Field trips and other community resources are marvelous ways to reinforce classroom learning and enhance the school experience. We present them as opportunities to minister to the world around us, thus promoting our spiritual and academic objectives. Because most field trips are aligned with each grade level’s history and literature studies, many have become annual traditions at Cedar Tree. Examples include:
Oregon Zoo (1st Grade)
Pomeroy Farm (2nd Grade)
Mt. Angel Abbey (3rd Grade)
Oregon Symphony Youth Concerts (Grammar grades)
Oregon Trail Museum (4th Grade)
Fort Vancouver (4th Grade)
Bonneville Dam (5th Grade)
Oregon Aquarium in Newport (6th Grade)
Oregon Historical Society Museum & Library (8th Grades)
TeenPact Leadership Conference at the State Capitol in Olympia (8th Grade)
Portland Art Museum (high school)
Economic Forecast Seminar (12th Grade)
Washington D.C. (12th Grade)