Parent-Teacher Conferences

Conferences are Thursday, March 6 (2-Hr Early Release) and Friday, March 7 (No School). Signups for Parent-Teacher conferences are in Skyward Family Access.

Early Release

2-hr early release on Thursday, March 6 and NO SCHOOL on Friday, March 7.

Spring Program

7:00pm Friday, March 21, at Summit View Church’s Heritage Park Campus (7701 NE 182nd Ave, Vancouver). This is a great time to invite friends, family, prospective new families and fellow church members to enjoy students’ learning and performances. High schoolers are [...]

“Around the World in 80 Days”

Cedar Tree Drama presents Around the World in 80 Days Join fearless adventurer Phileas Fogg as he tries to beat the clock and circle the globe in an unheard-of 80 days. Danger, romance, and comic surprises abound in this whirlwind of a show. Hold [...]

Coffee Talk

Tuesday, May 13, parents are invited to join us in the Assembly Hall immediately after the morning hymn until the first assembly at 9:00am for light refreshments and a Q&A with Mr. Bradshaw.

Assembly & Early Release (In-Service)

Tuesday, May 13. Assembly times: K-2nd Assembly 9:00-9:20; 3rd-6th Assembly 9:30-9:50; L/R assembly 10:00-10:20. Dress Uniforms Required and 2-hour early dismissal.

Grandparents Day

Friday, May 16, 2025 9:00am – 12:30pm Special Opportunities Include: Visit classrooms Attend class presentations Enjoy a complimentary lunch Photo opportunities Class Assembly Presentations 9:00 – 9:25                      K–2nd Grades 9:30 – [...]