Spring Break – No School
Spring Break, March 31-April 4, No School.
In-Service (Early Release)
Tuesday, April 8, 2-Hr Early Dismissal.
Good Friday – No School
Friday, April 18, No School.
“Around the World in 80 Days”
Cedar Tree Drama presents Around the World in 80 Days Join fearless adventurer Phileas Fogg as he tries to beat the clock and circle the globe in an unheard-of 80 days. Danger, romance, and comic surprises abound in this whirlwind of a show. Hold [...]
Family Fun Fundraiser Fest
An afternoon of family fun with food carts, kid-friendly entertainment, special guest speaker, and a fundraising opportunity to further the mission and vision of Cedar Tree School. Special Guest Speaker: Dr Louis Markos,"Classical Education and Why it is Necessary". Cedar Tree [...]
Coffee Talk
Tuesday, May 13, parents are invited to join us in the Assembly Hall immediately after the morning hymn until the first assembly at 9:00am for light refreshments and a Q&A with Mr. Bradshaw.
Assembly & Early Release (In-Service)
Tuesday, May 13. Assembly times: K-2nd Assembly 9:00-9:20; 3rd-6th Assembly 9:30-9:50; L/R assembly 10:00-10:20. Dress Uniforms Required and 2-hour early dismissal.
Grandparents Day
Friday, May 16, 2025 9:00am – 12:30pm Special Opportunities Include: Visit classrooms Attend class presentations Enjoy a complimentary lunch Photo opportunities Class Assembly Presentations 9:00 – 9:25 K–2nd Grades 9:30 – [...]
Memorial Day – No School
Monday, May 26, No School.
Cedar Tree Classical Christian School 20601 N.E. 29th Ave., Ridgefield, WA, United StatesCedar Tree’s Commencement Ceremony will be held at 7:00pm Thursday, June 5, at Cedar Tree Classical Christian School, 20601 NE 29th Avenue, Ridgefield, Washington. The Cedar Tree community is invited to join together to give thanks to God with “Pomp and [...]
Field Day & Early Release (Last Day of School)
Friday, June 6, last day of school, Field Day, Early Release.