Cedar Tree Drama presents Robin Hood The evil Lady Merle of Cornwall has plans to force Maid Marian into a marriage with Prince John, and it is up to Robin Hood and the outlaws of Sherwood Forest to defeat a nasty sheriff and [...]
Please join us for a fun, family-friendly open house 1:00-4:00pm Saturday, May 11: - Program at 2:00pm with guest speaker Michael Kane - Reflections on 25 years - Campus tours - Special displays - Fundraising opportunity - Bounce houses and activities [...]
Tuesday, May 14, parents are invited to join us in the Assembly Hall immediately after the morning hymn until the first assembly at 9:00am for light refreshments and a Q&A with Mr. Bradshaw on the topic of The Lost Tools of [...]
Everyone is invited to join us at 7:00pm, Monday, May 20, in the Assembly Hall as our seniors make their thesis presentations. Cedar Tree students should wear everyday uniforms. View this flyer for a list of students presenting Monday and Tuesday [...]
Everyone is invited to join us at 7:00pm, Tuesday, May 21, in the Assembly Hall as our seniors make their thesis presentations. Cedar Tree students should wear everyday uniforms. View this flyer for a list of students presenting Monday and Tuesday [...]