Grammar school encompasses Kindergarten through sixth grade. Students at this age are generally excited about learning, enjoy singing songs, hearing stories, playing games, and building hands-on projects. They are filled with wonder about the world and love to share new facts. All first grade through sixth graders enjoy Art, Science, and Music. Beginning in third grade, PE is added.
A key feature of classical Christian education takes advantage of grammar students’ natural ability to memorize with ease, which they do with chants, songs, rhymes, and repetition. One way students’ appreciation for Western culture is developed is through the tool of memorization. By the time they finish sixth grade, they will memorize facts such as: books of the Bible, the ancient kings of the nations of Israel and Judah, all the countries of the world, over a hundred dates of key people and events in World History, Greek alphabet, states and capitals, U.S. presidents, Gettysburg Address, Preamble to the Constitution, poems by many of the great authors (including Milne, Kipling, Wordsworth, Frost, Dickinson, Tennyson), numerous Scripture passages, and the entire book of James. Aided by orderly classrooms and loving teaching, grounded in the systematic and analytical foundations of English grammar and writing, and mathematical proficiency, in conjunction with the study of Latin which begins in third grade, students are thoroughly prepared for further academic endeavors.
We believe that the academic rigor serves the more important goal of nurturing Christian character. This training of godly habits is prayerfully pursued through gospel-centered teaching of all subjects, a loving and disciplined instructional environment, and Christ-like integrity modeled by our staff.
At Cedar Tree we also think it is important that students in various grade levels interact with students of a wide variety of ages. From sixth grade “reading buddies” with our kindergarteners, to fifth grade “pen pals” with first graders, to occasional joint trips with high schoolers, younger and older students benefit from caring for one another and building relationships.
See Grammar School Curriculum Overview Chart.